Welcome to AIReadingGlasses. AIReadingGlasses is an elegant, high-performance app, designed to simplify your daily life. We meticulously designed AIReadingGlasses, aiming at providing the best user experience. Our privacy policy provides detailed explanations about the collection, use, sharing, and protection of any software related to AIReadingGlasses services and the information you provide. By using our services, it means that you understand and agree we only provide an application.

1. The Information We Collect

We collect the following types of information: Information provided by you directly:Analytical Data: We use third-party analytical tools to help us monitor service traffic and usage trends. These tools collect information sent by your device, such as information about the pages you visit, to help us improve our service. Device Identifiers: When you access our service through a mobile device, we may collect and store your device’s unique identifier to provide better service.

2. How We Use Your Information

We can use the received information to: Develop and test new products and features. Diagnose or solve technical problems.

3. Sharing Your Information

We will not share your information with any third party outside of AIReadingGlasses unless under specific circumstances without your consent. We share your information with: Our service providers: They are allowed to access your information and provide services based on confidentiality agreement terms. Third-party advertising partners: We may share some information with them to provide more targeted advertising. We will also remove identifiable information and share anonymous data.

4. Other Websites and Services

We may link to third-party websites or services, but we are not responsible for any actions of these websites or services. Furthermore, our privacy policy does not apply to these websites and services. Moreover, you assume the risk for any third-party websites or services.

5. How to Contact Us

If you have any questions about this privacy policy or services, please contact us.

6. Changes to the Privacy Policy

We may occasionally make changes to the privacy policy, so please check regularly. After making any changes, if you continue to use our app or services, it means that you accept these changes. We welcome you to contact us in various ways. Your support and suggestions will help us to continually improve. Email: [email protected]

欢迎使用 AI老花镜。 AI老花镜是一款优雅、功能高效的应用,通过提供优秀的服务,使您的日常生活简化。我们精心设计了 AI老花镜,期望提供最好的用户体验。 对于我们和我们的部分合作企业,就收集、使用、分享、保护与AI老花镜服务相关的任何软件及您提供信息的情况,我们的“隐私政策”将进行详细解释。 使用我们的“服务”即表示您理解并同意,我们提供的只是一款应用。


我们收集下列类型的信息: 您向我们直接提供的信息:分析信息: 我们使用第三方分析工具帮助我们度量“服务”的流量和使用趋势。这些工具收集通过您的设备发送的信息,如您访问的页面的信息,以帮助我们改善“服务”。 设备标识符: 当您使用移动设备访问我们的“服务”时,我们可能会收集、存储您设备的唯一标识符以提供更好的服务。


我们可以使用收到的信息用于: 开发和测试新产品和功能。 诊断或解决技术问题。